Package: developers-reference
Severity: wishlist
Version: 3.4.10

> o) Points of Contact:
>    There are four main points of contact for the debian admin team and
>    their current guidelines:
>    - Anything that contains private or privileged
>      information and should not be made public should go to this
>      address.  This new alias replaces the old
>      alias, as the old one caused too much confusion in the past.
>    - A mailing list that all members of
>      the DSA team are on.  There may be other people on that list as
>      well, including local admins, other Debian Developers and
>      interested third parties.  We will make subscribing to this list
>      possible for all DDs, though the technical details are yet to be
>      worked out - we have a plan, but no code (RT#4501).  Archives of
>      new posts should be available on master, readable by the Debian
>      group eventually (RT#4502).
>    - request tracker: No changes here.  If you have anything that
>      can't or probably won't be dealt with immediately or a request
>      where we want a paper trail, this is the place to make your
>      request to.  [wiki:rt] has some information on Debian's RT.  We
>      would like to deploy SSO authentication (with user management
>      from LDAP?) on our RT instance at one point.  Help welcome.
>    - The #debian-admin IRC channel on OFTC.  This is our primary work
>      channel.  It might be appropriate for a quick question.  You're
>      welcome to idle there, but please keep off-topic chatter to a
>      minimum.


thanks for this exciting report and your hard work.  Related to the
paragraph above, how about the following patch to the Developers Reference ?

The first change is to expand the DSA acronym, and then the changes restart
after the instructions about the RT system, to introduce the other contact 

Index: resources.dbk
--- resources.dbk       (révision 10197)
+++ resources.dbk       (copie de travail)
@@ -237,11 +237,16 @@
 If you have a problem with the operation of a Debian server, and you think that
 the system operators need to be notified of this problem, you can check
-the list of open issues in the DSA queue of our request tracker at <ulink
-url="&url-rt;" /> (you can login with user "debian", its password is available 
-To report a new problem, simply send a mail to &email-rt-dsa; and make
-sure to put the string "Debian RT" somewhere in the subject.
+the list of open issues in the DSA (Debian System Administration) Team's queue
+of our request tracker at <ulink url="&url-rt;" /> (you can login with user
+"debian", its password is available at
+<filename>;</filename>).  To report a
+new problem in the request tracker, simply send a mail to &email-rt-dsa; and
+make sure to put the string "Debian RT" somewhere in the subject.  To contact
+the DSA team by email, use <email></email> for anything that
+contains private or privileged information and should not be made public, and
+<email></email> otherwise.  The DSA team is also
+present on the <literal>#debian-admin</literal> IRC channel on OFTC.
 If you have a problem with a certain service, not related to the system


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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