Charles Plessy <> writes:
> Le Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 02:46:15PM +0100, Carsten Hey a écrit :

>> In general, debian/README.source does not contain information how to
>> run, for example, autoconf and friends to convert a clean VCS checkout
>> into a source tree that can be built using dpkg-buildpackage (there are
>> packages that require this).

> perhaps the Policy could be modified to allow such information
> in debian/README.source ?  There is an open bug on this subject.


I've always been a little surprised that people think that Policy doesn't
allow such information in README.source (although certainly lots of people
have come to this conclusion, so there's something wrong with the Policy
wording).  Policy does say:

    debian/README.source may also include any other information that would
    be helpful to someone modifying the source package.

which I think includes the sort of information that you want to add,
although it may be a good idea to mention VCS conventions explicitly.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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