Le Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 09:58:37AM -0800, Russ Allbery a écrit :
> My first inclination would be to change the debian-policy package to stop
> generating the broken-down version of the upgrading-checklist that has
> multiple HTML files (there doesn't seem to be much point for that
> document), generate the one-page HTML version as just
> upgrading-checklist.html, and put it into the debian-policy.html directory
> instead of at the top level.  Then, the links to Policy can just be to the
> individual ch-*.html files and are relative within a directory, which will
> make them work on both www.debian.org and on local disk.
> The drawback to this, though, is that upgrading-checklist links to other
> policies then don't work or are quite a bit harder.

Dear all,

I think that despite this drawback it is a good thing to do, better be able to
link cleanly to the Policy than to not be able to link cleanly anywhere at all.

Here is a not-so-elegant patch that moves upgrading-checklist-1.html to
policy.html/upgrading-checklist.html.  The SGML version is not distributed
anymore but could be added back if you prefer.  The location of the compressed
text version does not change, so the upgrading checklist would be the
only document where the HTML and text versions are not side-to-side in
the same directory.  If you think this is troublesome, maybe it could be
solved with a symbolic link ?

Have a nice Sunday.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
>From 07cc2a26a4594f02370697b2644350520c0c2ed3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charles Plessy <ple...@debian.org>
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 18:24:29 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Relocation of the upgrading checklist.

 - Move the hypertext upgrading checklist to the policy.html directory.
 - Stop building and distributing the multi-page HTML version.
 - Stop distributing the SGML version in the binary package.
 - The location of the compressed text version does not change.

Note that the upgrading checklist must be built before policy.html.tar.gz,
otherwise it will not be included in the binary package.

Closes: #639663
 Makefile     |    4 ++++
 debian/rules |   12 ++++++++----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1f3675c..18d88b9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ perl-policy.sgml: version.ent
         mv $*-1d.html/index.html $*-1.html && \
         rmdir $*-1d.html
+policy.html/upgrading-checklist.html: upgrading-checklist.sgml
+	LANG=C debiandoc2html -1 -b policy/upgrading-checklist upgrading-checklist.sgml && \
+	mv policy.html/upgrading-checklist-index.html policy.html/upgrading-checklist.html
 %.html.tar.gz: %.html/index.html
 	tar -czf $(<:/index.html=.tar.gz) $(<:/index.html=)
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index d5d93cf..f2130a8 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ LIBDIR	  := $(TMPTOP)/usr/share/doc-base
 sanitycheck := debian/rules policy.sgml
-SGML_FILES := policy menu-policy perl-policy upgrading-checklist
+SGML_FILES := policy menu-policy perl-policy
 DESC_FILES := copyright-format-1.0 debian-policy debian-menu-policy \
 	      debian-perl-policy debconf-spec fhs
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ POLICY_FILES = $(SGML_FILES:=.sgml) $(SGML_FILES:=.txt.gz) \
                debconf_spec/debconf_specification.html \
                debconf_spec/debconf_specification.txt.gz \
                policy.ps.gz policy.pdf.gz README.txt README.html \
-               Process.txt Process.html
+               Process.txt Process.html \
+               upgrading-checklist.txt.gz
 FILES_FROM_ORG := Process.html Process.txt README.txt README.html
@@ -69,7 +70,8 @@ FILES_TO_CLEAN  = copyright-format-1.0.xml.tar.gz \
 		  debconf_specification.xml.tar.gz \
 		  policy.pdf policy.ps policy.txt policy. \
 		  body.tmp head.tmp policy.tpt \
+		  $(FILES_FROM_ORG) \
+		  upgrading-checklist.txt.gz
 STAMPS_TO_CLEAN := stamp-policy stamp-build
 DIRS_TO_CLEAN   := debian/tmp fhs $(SGML_FILES:=.html)
@@ -83,7 +85,9 @@ make_directory  := install -p -d	-o root -g root	 -m  755
 all build build-indep: stamp-build
 stamp-build: version.ent $(sanitycheck)
-	$(MAKE) $(SGML_FILES:=.sgml.validate) \
+	$(MAKE) policy.html/upgrading-checklist.html \
+		upgrading-checklist.txt.gz \
+		$(SGML_FILES:=.sgml.validate) \
 		$(SGML_FILES:=.html.tar.gz) \
                 $(SGML_FILES:=-1.html) \
 		$(SGML_FILES:=.txt.gz) \

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