Russ Allbery <> writes:

> As always, once I start seriously poking at an area of Policy, I see
> other little things that need to be fixed as well.  Here is a general
> overhaul of the additional documentation section, which should both
> address this bug as well as a few other things.


Here is an updated version of the patch with feedback to date taken into

diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml
index c1ff4b4..4dce37c 100644
--- a/policy.sgml
+++ b/policy.sgml
@@ -9702,45 +9702,77 @@ END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
-      <sect>
+      <sect id="docs-additional">
        <heading>Additional documentation</heading>
-         Any additional documentation that comes with the package may
-         be installed at the discretion of the package maintainer.
-         Plain text documentation should be installed in the directory
-         <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>, where
-         <var>package</var> is the name of the package, and
-          compressed with <tt>gzip -9</tt> unless it is small.
-        </p>
+         Any additional documentation that comes with the package may be
+         installed at the discretion of the package maintainer.  It is
+         often a good idea to include text information files
+         (<file>README</file>s, FAQs, and so forth) that come with the
+         source package in the binary package.  However, you don't need
+         to install the instructions for building and installing the
+         package, of course!
+       </p>
-         If a package comes with large amounts of documentation which
-         many users of the package will not require you should create
-         a separate binary package to contain it, so that it does not
-         take up disk space on the machines of users who do not need
-         or want it installed.</p>
+         Plain text documentation should be compressed with <tt>gzip
+         -9</tt> unless it is small.
+       </p>
-         It is often a good idea to put text information files
-         (<file>README</file>s, changelogs, and so forth) that come with
-         the source package in <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>
-         in the binary package.  However, you don't need to install
-         the instructions for building and installing the package, of
-         course!</p>
+         If a package comes with large amounts of documentation that many
+         users of the package will not require, you should create a
+         separate binary package to contain it so that it does not take
+         up disk space on the machines of users who do not need or want
+         it installed.  As a special case of this rule, shared library
+         documentation of any appreciable size should always be packaged
+         with the library development package (<ref id="sharedlibs-dev">)
+         or in a separate documentation package, since shared libraries
+         are frequently installed as dependencies of other packages by
+         users who have little interest in documentation of the library
+         itself.  The documentation package for the
+         package <var>package</var> is conventionally
+         named <var>package</var>-doc
+         (or <var>package</var>-doc-<var>language-code</var> if there are
+         separate documentation packages for multiple languages).
+       </p>
+       <p>
+         Additional documentation included in the package should be
+         installed under <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>.
+         If the documentation is packaged separately,
+         as <var>package</var>-doc for example, it may be installed under
+         either that path or into the documentation directory for the
+         separate documentation package
+         (<file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>-doc</file> in this
+         example).  However, installing the documentation into the
+         documentation directory of the main package is preferred since
+         it is independent of the packaging method and will be easier for
+         users to find.
+       </p>
+       <p>
+         Any separate package providing documentation must still install
+         standard documentation files in its
+         own <file>/usr/share/doc</file> directory as specified in the
+         rest of this policy.  See, for example, <ref id="copyrightfile">
+         and <ref id="changelogs">.
+       </p>
          Packages must not require the existence of any files in
          <file>/usr/share/doc/</file> in order to function
-             The system administrator should be able to
-             delete files in <file>/usr/share/doc/</file> without causing
-             any programs to break.
-         </footnote>.
-         Any files that are referenced by programs but are also
-         useful as stand alone documentation should be installed under
-         <file>/usr/share/<var>package</var>/</file> with symbolic links from
-         <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>.
+           The system administrator should be able to delete files
+           in <file>/usr/share/doc/</file> without causing any programs
+           to break.
+         </footnote>.  Any files that are used or read by programs but
+         are also useful as stand alone documentation should be installed
+         elsewhere, such as
+         under <file>/usr/share/<var>package</var>/</file>, and then
+         included via symbolic links
+         in <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>.
@@ -9760,18 +9792,6 @@ END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
-       <p>
-         Former Debian releases placed all additional documentation
-         in <file>/usr/doc/<var>package</var></file>.  This has been
-         changed to <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>,
-         and packages must not put documentation in the directory
-         <file>/usr/doc/<var>package</var></file>. <footnote>
-           At this phase of the transition, we no longer require a
-           symbolic link in <file>/usr/doc/</file>. At a later point,
-           policy shall change to make the symbolic links a bug.
-         </footnote>
-       </p>
@@ -9782,16 +9802,16 @@ END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
          via HTML.</p>
-         If your package comes with extensive documentation in a
+         If the package comes with extensive documentation in a
          markup format that can be converted to various other formats
          you should if possible ship HTML versions in a binary
-         package, in the directory
-         <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>appropriate-package</var></file> or
-         its subdirectories.<footnote>
-             The rationale: The important thing here is that HTML
-             docs should be available in <em>some</em> package, not
-             necessarily in the main binary package.
+         package.<footnote>
+             Rationale: The important thing here is that HTML
+             documentation should be available from <em>some</em>
+             binary package.
+         The documentation must be installed as specified in
+         <ref id="docs-additional">.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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