
On 02/11/2011 11:17, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:

> As you might have noticed, I send some mails.  Let's first see, if we
> can reach a consensus, let's say... by the end of the week.

Alexander, you wrote this message two weeks ago, is there any chance you
could try and help us find a way out of the current issue? Even if we're
not able to address the general case, as a general rule or something
like that, maybe addressing the specific case that raised the initial
thread could permit us to go back working on the DPN.

TL;DR: Jeremiah's remarks on the list makes me think I might have been
misunderstood. While discussing off list this issue with other persons,
it seems like this request is not completely silly, so let me try to
express the reason why I believe that Debian should not promote this

Debian currently does not claim that people should give it money in
order to get free stuff. Debian currently doesn't act a la Wikipedia
with “give us money” campaigns. If the Debian project wants to take
position in favor of such campaign (for itself), I do believe this
decision should not be taken lightly, and may deserve a rationale debate
about it.

If Debian promotes (by mentioning the existence of) a third party
initiative claiming that “give us money” campaigns are fine in order to
get free stuff, in the name of good for Debian, Debian would de facto
claim that such initiative is fine, bypassing the rationale debate it
may need.

Until an official Debian position emerge in favor of this kind of
fund-raising campaigns, I propose that the DPN editors won't relay them
without at least an internal consensus.



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