On Sat, 2010-08-28 at 07:35 -0400, CJ Fearnley wrote: > > > > I don't think CJ is advocating changing the DFSG, but rather is concerned > > that the way the DFSG is worded may not make it clear to people what the > > motivation is and what the implications are for users. In other words, a > > rephrasing or preamble, not any sort of normative modification, that says > > "this means you can use the software for absolutely anything you want." > > > > I can see that point, although I'm not sure that it makes that much > > difference for Policy, since Policy is largely aimed at people who are > > reasonably familiar with Debian and are looking for technical guidance. > > > > I would tend to point people at http://www.debian.org/intro/free or some > > similar sort of place to explain the motivation and background for what > > Debian means by free. > > Russ' interpretation of my thinking is correct. I certainly don't want > to change the DFSG. > > I'm thinking about a customer who is afraid of using Debian for some > business purpose, for example. Their lawyers have spread fear and > uncertainty: beware, the BSA[1] may come after you. They read the DFSG > and they learn what we mean by freedom, but they still might not connect > the dots to realize that Debian main is doing its best to effectively > guarantee ... the four freedoms ... the best protection against BSA > interference that a mere document can provide ... what we all know is > our protected freedom. But I think we haven't said it directly enough. > > http://www.debian.org/intro/free is good for a footnote, but it also > doesn't succinctly say that Debian main tries to ensure that it can be > freely usable and redistributable (with the requisite freedom protections > for your users too) by anyone for any purpose.
Phew :-) I still think I side with Russ that Policy is for people who already understand this stuff, and we should have separate documents that provide the overview level. I also think that proper clarification on these points will ideally need a multi-lingual and multi-cultural dimension to capture the exact shades of meaning needed. Regards, Andrew. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN You've been leading a dog's life. Stay off the furniture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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