Package: debian-policy Severity: wishlist An action item from the upstart BoF today at DebConf is that policy language needs to be written around upstart jobs before we can start inflicting them on the archive. The following points should be addressed; they can be split into separate bug reports in the future if needed.
- packages may ship upstart jobs under /etc/init - with limited exceptions (e.g., upstart itself!), a package that ships an upstart job must also ship a sysvinit init.d script that implements the same functionality - packages must use invoke-rc.d in maintainer scripts for either upstart jobs or init scripts (but invoke-rc.d must be modified first to support this) Patch to follow later :) -- Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world. Ubuntu Developer
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