On Sun, Jul  4, 2010 at 14:11:17 -0500, Raphael Geissert wrote:

> A possible way to implement this state-based policy without relying on the 
> underlying boot system would be to require packages and users to never call 
> init script directly and to make service(8) the interface to init scripts for 
> the user. service(8) and invoke-rc.d(8) would then work together to keep a 
> state cache, which would be used by invoke-rc.d.
> What do the others think?
I think such state should be kept by init (which knows, or should know,
which services/processes are running), not by invoke-rc.d(8) and
service(8).  And I think we should ditch sysvinit.  So I think making
these scripts even more complex is unnecessary in the long run.


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