Jakub Wilk <jw...@debian.org> writes:

> * Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org>, 2010-06-16, 11:07:
> >+          continue to do so (but be aware that this is often an error
> >+          that should be fixed rather than using <tt>Conflicts</tt> --
> >+          see, for example, <ref id="binaries">),</item>
> I find the phrase in parentheses awkwardly worded. (I am not a native
> speaker.)

How about this:

+             continue to do so (but be aware that this is often an error,
+             and it should be fixed instead of using <tt>Conflicts</tt>.
+             See, for example, <ref id="binaries">),</item>

 \         “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the |
  `\        death your right to mis-attribute this quote to Voltaire.” |
_o__)                     —Avram Grumer, rec.arts.sf.written, May 2000 |
Ben Finney

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