Russ Allbery <> writes:

> Agreed and seconded. I actually lean towards dropping this requirement
> in the long run as part of a larger discussion except where the
> license requires it (which is most cases, but anyway), but what you
> have below is clearly what's being required right now, so while we
> have the larger discussion, we should document the current state.

Can you please show where this requirement is made clear? So far the
only one to have responded on the topic this year is Steve; he lays out
a set of principles that appear to be his opinion of how ftpmaster is
operating, but no ftpmaster has given any feedback on that.

I can't recall an ftpmaster *ever* giving their position on this in
answer to the questions raised over on debian-devel, and I'd love to be
shown where your certainty comes from.

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