Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <> writes:

> I've just completed a first reading of the Debian Policy Manual
> (version, 2009-08-16). Below are some suggestions for minor
> edits. If it would be better to send them in some other form, please
> let me know.

There's nothing especially wrong with describing the changes as you've

But since you ask, yes, there is a more useful way: a patch, generated
by some ‘diff’ tool from a comparison between the existing source
document and a modified version with the changes you propose.

For many sources, there is an official VCS repository that you can
branch locally, make your changes, and then use the ‘diff’ operation of
the VCS to generate a patch between the official and local versions. In
the case of the Debian policy, the document source is in a Git

    $ git clone git://

I found that URL by examining the ‘control’ file for the ‘debian-policy’
source package; many packages have their packaging VCS repository
specified in the ‘VCS-foo’ field, where ‘foo’ is the name of the VCS
tool used to fetch the repository.

Of course, all this assumes that your interest in contributing changes
in patch form extends to gaining the knowledge to use the required VCS
tool, but that's a decision for you to make; as you can see, changes
*not* submitted as patches are also fine.

Hope that helps.

 \     “I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in |
  `\   my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.” —Emo Philips |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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