Ben Finney <> writes:

> Howdy all,
> In light of recent discussion [0] about ‘debian/copyright’ and what a
> Debian package should include in that file

Thanks to Cyril Brulebois for pointing out the unresolved reference
here. The discussions I'm referring to are:

[0] <URL:>,

> Policy §12.5, “Copyright information”, appears to be the complete set
> of direct normative statements of what's required:

And, it should be noted, speaks about the copyright in the *binary*
package (not ‘debian/copyright’, so I'll try to be more precise about
the distinction in the ensuing discussion).

 \      “I have a large seashell collection, which I keep scattered on |
  `\    the beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen it.” —Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |
Ben Finney

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