Ben Finney <> writes:

> Right, but in my view it's one of exactly two “correct” forms for such a
> field:
>     Foo-Field: spam, eggs, beans
>     Foo-Field:
>         spam,
>         eggs,
>         beans

> I would like the latter form recorded in policy as good form for
> multi-line fields.

Why would Debian Policy take a stance on something like that?  Both of
those forms are valid syntax, as is:

    Foo-Field: spam, eggs,


    Foo-Field: spam
     , eggs ,

and any number of other things.  Are you asking for the syntax to be made
much more restrictive?  If so, why?  If not, I think I'm confused about
what you're asking for.

In general, Debian Policy doesn't give recommended coding styles or best
practices; that's left for the Developer's Reference and other documents.
I suppose there is a bit of best practice recommendation for relationship
fields in particular about spacing, and a few other notes about spacing
elsewhere in the document, so this is a bit of an exception, but I'm not
sure it's a good idea to add more of that.

> The proximal motivation for this is the Lintian check that results in
> the ‘debian-control-has-unusual-field-spacing’ tag.

I'm a bit confused.  The only thing that triggers that tag is:


with no space after the colon.  Or a literal tab, I suppose.

Are you perhaps using a version of Lintian prior to 2.2.12 and therefore
running into Bug#528377?

Russ Allbery (               <>

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