On Thu, Apr 16 2009, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:

> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>  - Ability to recognize and render the following logical entities, in
>>    decreasing order of importance:
>>    + unordered lists
>>    + ordered lists
> really needed?

        I would think these are the guts of this proposal. Or else what
 are we discussing here?

>>    + emphasis
>>    + strong emphasis
>>    + definition lists
>>    + hypertext links
>>    + underlines, and strike throughs
> I don't think they are needed.

        Why not? If rendering a description in a manner that makes it
 easier to read is the goal, I fail to see why emphasis and strong
 emphasis is a bad idea (think of text-to-speech mechanisms). This is
 not just opinions we are discussing here, we should be looking at use
 cases for marking up a textual description.

> Underlines is generally bad, strike throughs are worse ;-)

        So you say. Don't use them, then. There are cases where either
 one of these constructs have value; and you should not impose your
 personal aesthetics on a general policy discussion.

> Ev. also monospace, e.g. for commands, but I really prefer to have
> a simpler language as possible.
>>         At this point, I would say that Markdown/Resstructued text meets
>>  most of the goals above, as long as we restrict the markup to the list
>>  above:
> Could provide us an example of Resstructued for the basic constructs?


>>    * unordered lists
>>    * ordered lists
>>    * emphasis
>>    * strong emphasis
>>    * definition lists
>>    * hypertext links
>>    * underlines, and strike throughs
> I like also creole (standardized wiki language, moinmoin support it),
> but no definition lists, underline, strike throughs.

        What kind of language bindings are present for creole libraries?
 markdown has a shell interpreter, has python, perl, ruby, C, c++, lisp,
 and is widely supported and used by wikis et al.

> So for creole:
> * unordered lists     \n *  \n **

        This fails the "Do not impact large numbers of packages" test,
 since we have lots of packages using + and -. for list items.

> * ordered lists               \n #  \n ##
> * emphasis            //foo//

        This also fails the test above -- lots of people are using

> * strong emphasis     **bar**
> * definition lists    missing  ev. \n **spam** is spam


> * hypertext links     normal url
> * underlines, and strike throughs     missing, missing



There's just something I don't like about Virginia; the state.
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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