Ben Hutchings <> writes:

> # Upstream homepage links to a file called puzzles.tar.gz which
> # redirects to puzzles-r$version.tar.gz.  uscan can't check that.
> # However, this is a nightly snapshot numbered according to the SVN
> # revision number, so we can extract the version number from its web
> # view.
> version=3
> opts="filenamemangle=s/.*\?rev=(\d+).*/sgt-puzzles_$1.orig.tar.gz/,downloadurlmangl...@.*\?rev=(\d+)....@$1.tar.gz@";
>  \
> /sgt\?rev=(\d+)\&view=rev
> OK, so it's not exactly pretty...

It also fails in those instances where “available from a VCS” does
not mean “available as a working tree of files via HTTP”. Some VCS
repositories make *only* the revision data available, for various

 \         “I think a good gift for the President would be a chocolate |
  `\   revolver. And since he's so busy, you'd probably have to run up |
_o__)              to him real quick and hand it to him.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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