
what's the current public opinion on this? The responses I got in
November 2006[1] indicated that this metapackage is not desired and should
not be re-added to the list - however it's still in widespread use...

] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ for DEP in Provides Depends Recommends Suggests; do \
] > echo -n "$DEP: "; grep-available -sPackage -F$DEP editor | wc -l; done
] Provides: 29
] Depends: 8
] Recommends: 2
] Suggests: 8

Shall this be unified before Lenny, or may I safely tag #398752 wontfix
for now?



[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2006/11/msg00637.html
    based on a thread shortly before:

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