severity 398752 wishlist
clone 398752 -1
reassign -1 debian-policy
retitle -1 (Re-)Add "editor" to virtual package list
block 398752 by -1

(adding CC:d-policy, last time to CC:d-devel)

Hi Eddy,

> Well, some people provided some (good) counter examples, but they seem 
> unreplied.
> Look at [1], [2] and at this:

yes, I know. Dale got no response in the end, while Ian argued that there is
no true dependency (pine can work fine without an editor, although somewhat
limited) and that users should be able to remove what(ever) they want to.

As I said, if it were for me only, I'd simply add the Provides. I had hoped
that this discussion could be resumed and brought to a true conclusion, but
it looks as if d-devel isn't very interested in the matter.

So, dear policy list:

Is there a good reason not to re-add "editor" to the list? This would just
acknowledge the present situation, as most editor-like packages provide this
virtual package anyway, disregarding its removal from the list.

> Also, the virtual package editor could be added as essential somehow allowing
> the users to have the editor of choice on the system.

I don't think an editor is essential to the functionality of a system.



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