This one time, at band camp, Otavio Salvador said:
> Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > This one time, at band camp, Otavio Salvador said:
> >
> >> Why RM team wouldn't use it to meet the deadline and reducing the
> >> overall quality of release? 
> >
> > Let's be clear: the RMs don't lower the quality of packages (and there
> > by the distribution), maintainers do.  The RMs make decisions based on
> > the shoddy work that we do.  If our packages were bug free and policy
> > compliant, there wouldn't be a need for this discussion.  If you want
> > a higher quality releasse than the one we as maintainers are likely to
> > produce, then get out there and do some NMUs.
> Really? 


> Have you read the message where Luk said that #!/bin/sh bugs
> using no POSIX features isn't RC? That just make me think one thing:
> "Let's release fast, whatever this means!"

Yes, I read it.  Did you actually read what the email you're replying

Do you think the RMs wrote and uploaded all those scripts?  I think
we as a community of maintainers did.  If the fact is that there are
hundreds of maintainers out there who don't know how to write valid
POSIX shell (or change the shebang path to reflect their use of
idiosyncracies of a given shell), then the RMs have to make a choice
about how long to wait for people to fix their bugs.

If you care about this issue enough to write several emails, why don't
you just NMU the packages in question?
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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