On 07-Aug-2005, Henning Makholm wrote:
> |                       <example>
> | <var>new-postrm</var> abort-upgrade <var>old-version</var>
> |                       </example>
> |                       If that too fails, then
> |                       <example>
> | <var>old-postinst</var> abort-upgrade <var>old-version</var>
> |                       </example>
> |                       is called.
> Also "too" in the second sentence seems to be spurious.

It can be made more gramatically clear with

    If that, too, fails, then

but that's awkward. Better is

    If that also fails, then

 \         "I think a good gift for the President would be a chocolate |
  `\   revolver. And since he's so busy, you'd probably have to run up |
_o__)           to him real quick and hand it to him."  -- Jack Handey |

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