Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
>       I am cross posting this answer but I think we should keep the
> discussion on one mailinglist only. I leave up to you which one you think
> is more appropriate.

I'd prefer debian-policy.

> >  - Some web servers (eg apache2) can cooexist with other web servers
> >    installed concurrently. But historically we've had the debian web
> >    server install a default /var/www/index.html particular to that
> >    server, and only one web server can do that at a time. So apache2
> >    currently violates debian policy by using a different directory as
> >    its web server root. Which leads to many other administration
> >    problems, such as anything dropped in /var/www not being available
> >    under apache2.
> We should consider 2 options to address this problem:
> 1) provide a single default DocumentRoot for all webservers with a common
>    Debian entry page (as suggested by aj and DanielS on irc) and a
>    possible /serverinfo/ to let the user verify immediatly which server is
>    accessing (in case of multiple web servers running at the same time as
>    suggested by DanielS)

I would be ok with this, except I think that it should be
/debian-www/serverinfo to avoid eating more namespace.

It would however, be a bit harder to transition to doing this.

> 2) provide a default DocumentRoot for each webserver where we can store
>    the default pages we are actually shipping.
> Personally i prefer 2 but of course i will let users decide what they
> prefer.

So the idea of the proposal is that a web server, after choosing the
directory to use as the document root (possibly prompting the user),
would set it up with its index.html and a link to debian-www. Presumably
index.html is copyied in from somewhere, but the proposal also leaves it
open to be created from a postinst, or not included at all. 

I'm not sure if there is any benefit to something standard like
/usr/share/<httpd>/defaultdocumentroot. Maybe there is, if some
program external to the web server wants to set up a later vhost for
that web server. In any case, it would not be a formal DocumentRoot, but
would instead be more of a document skeleton directory that is copied or
linked into place.

> >  - If you use vhosts, you can only have one pointing to /var/www,
> >    so only one will get the debian content provided there. To add it to the
> >    others, you have to maintain lots of symlinks.
> Even if it is not our task I would like to at least suggest users a common
> schema on where to store vhosts and possibly in a future having a small
> tool to handle them. It would make life easier for users approching the
> first time httpd.

I'm sure personally that this will be /srv in the future (but time will
tell). Wouldn't a tool to handle vhosts be fairly specific to the httpd?
Under this proposal it could create the debian-www link, could copy in
files from a /usr/share/<httpd>/defaultdocumentroot if we go that route,
but would have to hook into something that knows about the web server to
configure it. Anyhow, the details of that are, I hope, outside this

> > 11.5.2. URLs for web-accessible content
> >
> >      This section specifies the URLs that should be used to access
> >      web-accessible content provided by the Debian system.
> >
> >      The Debian web content will be available at the URL
> >      http://<site>/debian-www/. This includes
> >      http://<site>/debian-www/cgi-bin for CGI programs,
> >      http://<site>/debian-www/doc for documentation, and
> >      http://<site>/debian-www/<application> for web application data.
> >
> >      These URLs should also work for any virtual hosts on the Debian
> >      system, unless the administrator has chosen to not include the
> >      Debian content on a virtual host.
> I think this can be interpreted in 2 different ways but please correct me
> if i am wrong. What I read here is:
> - all the links/urls/references must be relative (so no encoding of <site>)
> or (and this probably apply to apache* only):
> - if debian-www is not found on the specific <site> try to access the
> default one (that it is possible when specifing aliases at global level
> other than per vhost base)
> I am farly sure you mean the first, don't you?

I meant the first (the second would break at least vhost aware cgi
scripts like mailman). However, I hadn't thought that relative urls
would be a consequence of it; it's ok if mailmail encodes site in an
url, as long as that url is generated on the fly for a given site.
Certianly no urls encoding the site name in static content.

> >      If they include an index.html (or localised index.html.ll or similar
> >      files) there, they must take care to not overwrite files created by
> >      the administrator, or by other web servers, and removal of the web
> >      server should remove those files.
> I think the removal has to be done if we isolate these files where the
> user is not supposed to touch them. At this point in time where we use
> /var/www we do not touch them. (at least apache doesn't).
> >      Alternatively, web servers may choose to use a different directory
> >      as their web document root. It is acceptable to prompt the user
> >      for what directory to use.
> apache already does that but we do not touch or even investigate the
> contents of a non-default documentroot. In case of default we only check
> for index.html at install time. Would this behaviour be accepted in this
> proposal? We mainly use this approch to avoid any risk of overwriting a
> user installed index.html (other methods have been failing, see bts for
> reference.)

You're right, to meet current practice (which I hate..), the proposal
should be changed to s/should remove those files/ought to remove those
files (but may not for legacy web servers)/ or something like that.

I think it would be better for the web server on a non-default docroot
to try to set it up to conform to the policy. As it stands, the proposal
would require web servers that prompt for a non-default documentroot to
put the debian-www link in it, and encourages setting up a default page,
but does not require that.

see shy jo

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