On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 01:18:33 -0500, Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 02:41:19PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
>> Again: there is _no_ need to think of policy as a stick to beat
>> people over the head with. We're _all_ sensible people who want to
>> make Debian the highest quality software distribution in existance,
>> even if we might disagree on how to go about it. We don't need to
>> coerce people with threats for every trivial little thing, and it's
>> probably actively harmful to try to do so. Policy's at its best
>> when it simply says what should be done, and explains why doing
>> other things isn't as good; not when it declares such-n-such must
>> be done, lest the wrath of the release manager descend upon you
>> all.

> Then we need to get rid of the "serious" severity in the BTS, or
> redefine it to omit any mention of Debian Policy.

        I beg to differ. Serious merely means that there is a
 violation of a MUST rule in policy, and these rules are often those
 whose violation is likely to cause a serious degradation in the
 quality of the package/distribution. The serious severity merely
 indicates that there is a discrepancy between the package and policy.

> As long as that severity exists in its current form, Policy *will*
> continue to be used as a stick.  A fairly large one, at that.

> I reiterate my position from last year:
> * decouple the Policy manual from bug severities
> * decouple bug severities from release management

        The bug severity si already mostly decoupled from release
 management -- the rc bug criteria is managed by the release
 management team.

        At worst, the release management team may look at the bug
 severities as the starting point of making their decisions, if they
 so choose, but that is rather weak coupling.

WHO sees a BEACH BUNNY sobbing on a SHAG RUG?!
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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