Package: debian-policy Prompting in maintainer scripts says: "Prompting may be accomplished by hand, or by communicating with a program, such as debconf, which conforms to the Debian Configuration management specification, version 2 or higher."
The grammar is ambiguous and "by hand" is vague. By hand should be defined and it should be specified whether "communicating with a program" should conform "to the Debian Configuration management specification, version 2 or higher." Perhaps "by hand" could be changed to "directly". The grammar could be fixed by one of the following: "communicating with a program (which conforms to the Debian Configuration management specification, version 2 or higher), such as debconf." "communicating with a program, such as debconf (which conforms to the Debian Configuration management specification, version 2 or higher)." I am unsure as to which one is correct. Technically two bugs, but I think the difference is trivial. If not, a clone is easy enough. Drew Daniels