Hello Debian policy,

I do not like /etc/profile.d idea because I am a zsh user and every
implementation I saw so far were completly broken if your shell was not bash.

-- Either /etc/profile.d applied only to bash, but why discriminating
users of other shell (zsh,tcsh,etc...) ? 

-- Either /etc/profile.d was applyed to zsh as well but just break
randomly, because of syntax difference.

Using /etc/profile.d to set an environment variable is not policy-compliant
since Debian policy forbid packages relying on environment variable:

10.9. Environment variables
     A program must not depend on environment variables to get reasonable
     defaults.  (That's because these environment variables would have to
     be set in a system-wide configuration file like `/etc/profile', which
     is not supported by all shells.)


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