Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> unmerge 87994
Bug#87994: [PROPOSAL] better initscript definition, and adding 
Bug#60979: What /etc/init.d/xxx restart does?
Disconnected #87994 from all other report(s).

> retitle 87994 add 'restart-if-running' in init scripts
Bug#87994: [PROPOSAL] better initscript definition, and adding 
Changed Bug title.

> clone 87994 -1
Bug#87994: add 'restart-if-running' in init scripts
Bug 87994 cloned as bug 181123.

> retitle -1 regulate init script (mis)behaviour in corner cases
Bug#181123: add 'restart-if-running' in init scripts
Changed Bug title.

> merge 60979 87994 172630
Bug#60979: What /etc/init.d/xxx restart does?
Bug#87994: add 'restart-if-running' in init scripts
Bug#172630: debian-policy: Clarification on /etc/init.d/foo restart behaviour.
Merged 60979 87994 172630.

> --
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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