On Thursday 06 February 2003 13:57, Josip Rodin wrote:
> >
> > However disks are cheap enough that it seems reasonable to ask people
> > doing development to go buy a big disk.
> IME it's not the disk space that's so much of an issue, it's the bandwidth!
> Having to get 5 MB (all devel. stuff in -dev) when you can get a few KB
> (.so+*.h, docs in -doc, .a wherever) is extremely irritating for those who
> have to pay for bandwidth, and for low bandwidth at that.

disks are only cheap if you a) live in a location that sells them locally or 
has convenient delivery and more importantly b) you can afford to purchase 
ANY new hardware.  Cheap is extremely relative.

Remember some of us are college students, unemployed, or simply living on an 
island in the Azores.

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