On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 07:25:14PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> If you define "easy" as within reach of "dpkg-deb -x"... I don't.
> "dpkg-deb -I" is easy.

I may not have undestood, but you don't need to extract the package: if
you want a quick way to have the copyright file, you can unpack the package
with `ar' and extract the file from data.tar.gz.
I never needed this, but i think there are some libraries to access ar
archives and then the tar archive from a c program (and probably from other

> Also, it would mean chaging from <non-regulated copyright files> to
> <regulated copyright files, with URIs>; as opposed to the change from
> <current set of metadata fields> to <current set of metadata fields
> plus a field for URIs>. The latter is much less intrusive.

I would prefer the first, even if it is more intrusive. IMHO an URI
filed does not make sense in the package control file, and formatting a source
of information (like the copyright file) makes it more accessible.

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis              | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][-A-Za-z]*[iy]'?s$   | as fine or rude sentences have
Infinite loop: see `Loop, infinite'.        | something in common: they
Loop, infinite: see `Infinite loop'.        | don't depend on the language.

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