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Index: policy.sgml
RCS file: /cvs/debian-policy/debian-policy/policy.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -u -w -u -r1.86 policy.sgml
--- policy.sgml 29 Nov 2002 21:21:22 -0000      1.86
+++ policy.sgml 8 Dec 2002 20:02:11 -0000
@@ -877,6 +877,11 @@
            statements and other administrivia should not be included
            either (that is what the copyright file is for).
+         <p>
+           Please refer to <ref id="descriptions"> for more information.
+         </p>
@@ -2369,10 +2374,22 @@
       <sect id="descriptions"><heading>Descriptions of packages - the
          <tt>Description</tt> field </heading>
+         The "Description" control file field consists of two parts,
+         the synopsis or the short description, and the long description.
+         The field's format is as follows:
+       </p>
+       <p><example>
+       Description: &lt;single line synopsis&gt;
+        &lt;extended description over several lines&gt;
+       <p>
          The description is intended to describe the program to a user
          who has never met it before so that they know whether they
          want to install it.  It should also give information about the
@@ -2381,8 +2398,15 @@
          conflicts have been declared.
-       <sect1><heading>Notes about writing descriptions
-         </heading>
+       <p>
+         Put important information first, both in the synopsis and
+         extended description.  Sometimes only the first part of the
+         synopsis or of the description will be displayed.  You can
+         assume that there will usually be a way to see the whole
+         extended description.
+       </p>
+        <sect1 id="synopsis"><heading>The single line synopsis</heading>
            The single line synopsis should be kept brief - certainly
@@ -2397,6 +2421,10 @@
            informative as you can.
+       </sect1>
+        <sect1 id="extendeddesc"><heading>The extended description</heading>
            Do not try to continue the single line synopsis into the
            extended description.  This will not work correctly when
@@ -2415,35 +2443,63 @@
            The description field needs to make sense to anyone, even
            people who have no idea about any of the things the
            package deals with.<footnote>
-             <p>
                The blurb that comes with a program in its
                announcements and/or <prgn>README</prgn> files is
                rarely suitable for use in a description.  It is
                usually aimed at people who are already in the
                community where the package is used.
-             </p>
-           Put important information first, both in the synopsis and
-           extended description.  Sometimes only the first part of the
-           synopsis or of the description will be displayed.  You can
-           assume that there will usually be a way to see the whole
-           extended description.
+           The lines in the extended description can have these formats:
-         <p>
-           You may include information about dependencies and so forth
-           in the extended description, if you wish.
-         </p>
+         <p><list>
+           <item>
+             Those starting with a single space are part of a paragraph.
+             Successive lines of this form will be word-wrapped when
+             displayed. The leading space will usually be stripped off.
+           </item>
+           <item>
+             Those starting with two or more spaces. These will be
+             displayed verbatim. If the display cannot be panned
+             horizontally, the displaying program will linewrap them "hard"
+             (i.e., without taking account of word breaks). If it can they
+             will be allowed to trail off to the right. None, one or two
+             initial spaces may be deleted, but the number of spaces
+             deleted from each line will be the same (so that you can have
+             indenting work correctly, for example).
+           </item>
+           <item>
+             Those containing a single space followed by a single full stop
+             character. These are rendered as blank lines. This is the
+             <em>only</em> way to get a blank line<footnote>
+               Completely empty lines will not be rendered as blank lines. 
+               Instead, they will cause the parser to think you're starting
+               a whole new record in the control file, and will therefore
+               likely abort with an error.
+             </footnote>.
+           </item>
+           <item>
+             Those containing a space, a full stop and some more characters.
+             These are for future expansion. Do not use them.
+           </item>
+         </list></p>
            Do not use tab characters.  Their effect is not predictable.

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