I suggest that the following patch be applied to policy in order to
resolve this issue:

--- policy.sgml.old     Fri Nov 15 09:30:47 2002
+++ policy.sgml Fri Nov 15 09:36:16 2002
@@ -6982,9 +6982,12 @@
                      emulator application were so coded, be a new
                      "view" in a multiple-document interface (MDI).
-                 and runs the specified <var>command</var>.
+                 and runs the specified <var>command</var>, 
+                 interpreting the entirity of the rest of the command
+                 line as a command to pass straight to exec, in the 
+                 manner that <tt>xterm</tt> does.
                  Support the command-line option <tt>-T

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