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Subject: Re: [PROPOSED] Change package relations policy to remove references 
 to non-free from main
In-Reply-To: Message from Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
   of "Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:44:49 PST." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:28:23 +0000
From: "Oliver Elphick" <>

Package: debian-policy
Severity: normal

Joseph Carter wrote:
  >I think the keyring belongs in non-US/main, but it can't get there until
  >20 September 2000 unless we change our policy to not consider US patents
  >as making something automatically non-free.

I did not realise that was the policy, but I see this in 2.1.4:

    `Non-free' contains packages which are not compliant with the DFSG or
     which are encumbered by patents or other legal issues that make their
     distribution problematic.

Patents are almost entirely a US problem; `other legal issues' is very
vague, but if it makes distribution a problem, the package should probably
not be in the archive at all.

     All packages in `non-free' must be electronically distributable across
     international borders.

Would a patent lawyer agree that software that violated US patents is freely
transferable into USA?  Has anyone taken any advice on this?

In any case, I think it is wrong for US problems to dictate what is free or

This is a formal proposal to change policy to read thus:

2.1.4. The non-free section

     `Non-free' contains packages which are not compliant with the DFSG.
     There must be no legal issues that hinder the packages' being freely
     distributable from the archive.  Non-free packages may have restrictions
     on their being included in a distribution for sale; checking such
     restrictions is the responsibility of the person making the

     All packages in `non-free' must be electronically distributable across
     international borders.

2.1.5. The non-us server

     Some programs with cryptographic program code must be stored on the
     "non-us" server because of export restrictions of the U.S.

     This applies only to packages which contain cryptographic code.  A
     package containing a program with an interface to a cryptographic
     program or a program that's dynamically linked against a cryptographic
     library can be distributed if it is capable of running without the
     cryptography library or program.

     Packages that violate US patents must also be placed on the non-us server.

This leaves open the problem of what to do about packages that violate
patents of other countries; since they are currently in non-free, our
mirrors host them anyway.

We should probably maintain a database of legal issues against packages, to
make it easy for people to see if there is anything they should exclude from
      Vote against SPAM:
Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                    
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     "Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is 
      like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, 
      doing wonders?"             Exodus 15:11 

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Subject: And now for the 2 years and older (bugs closed as well)
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     * #51702: [PROPOSED] Change package relations policy to remove
       references to non-free from main
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: "Oliver
       Elphick" <>; 2 years and 351 days old.

 patents are, unfortunately, no longer a US only thing. There was no
 discussion. Crypto issues have changed since then, and we have a
 non-free GR approaching. I do not think this is an active, and
 actionable item for the policy group; I am thus closing this bug.

     * #53582: [PROPOSAL] Obsolete base section
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Joey Hess
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 324 days old.

 Sounds reasonable. There were no objections, and this is quite
 obviously true currently; and then the Debian installer shall shake
 things up again). This is going in. 
     * #54002: [PROPOSAL] permit use of bzip2 for source packages
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Chris
       Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 317 days old.
 This proposal is premature; we need to see the tools updated, and
 then, if needed, formalize it into policy. I suspect that since
 policy is not dpkg documentation, this shall never need be in policy;
 but I need to go over the document ands double check that.

     * #54524: http_proxy and web clients.
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by:
       =?iso-8859-1?Q?Nicol=E1s_Lichtmaier?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and
       312 days old.
 This seems like something being designed, and, thus, not yet a policy
 issue. There has been no action for 2 years, and I am closing this
 bug. If indeed we have current practice with /et/proxies or something,
 a new bug/proposal can be created. 
     * #54985: debian-policy: handling of shared libraries
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Matthew
       Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 308 days old.

There does not seem to have been a consensus on this issue, or a
technically superior position (in my eyes). 
     * #60979: What /etc/init.d/xxx restart does?
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Radim Kolar
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; merged with #87994; 2 years and 238 days old.
Isn't this now being standardized by LSB? 
     * #62768: policy on kernel module sources needed (unpacked or not)
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: "Alan W.
       Irwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; merged with #63598, #71805; 2
       years and 210 days old.
     * #63598: policy on kernel module sources needed (unpacked or not)
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Ulf
       Jaenicke-Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; merged with #62768,
       #71805; 2 years and 195 days old.
 Why is this a policy issue? Do we really need to mandate absolute
 conformity in modules packages? Whether you do a tar zvvfx in
 MODULES_LOC or you di lndir there, you do get the same results. 

     * #62996: no way to detect webservers without CGI support
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Rev Simon
       Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 205 days old.

 This is not a policy issue yet, this is a design and implementation
 issue. Please try to get the httpd package maintainers together and
 work out a solution; and then we can put the working solution into
     * #65577: [Amended] copyright should include notice if a package is not
       a part of Debian distribution
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Taketoshi
       Sano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 156 days old.
 Hmm. I don't know. Does it seem like we have consensus?
     * #65578: [PROPOSED] extra-Debian packages should have extra Priority
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Taketoshi
       Sano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 156 days old.
 No discussion at all, and I think that it blurs the priority and
 sections a bit. 
     * #65764: changelog shouldn't be in the copyright file
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Josip Rodin
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 153 days old.
Hmm. Sounds like we have a winner here. How about a diff, then, folks?
     * #69864: debian-policy: Update section 6.7 for "examples packages"
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Adam C Powell
       IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 84 days old.
This too sounds reasonable to me, but there was no discussion at all.
     * #72980: virtual packages list layout
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Josip Rodin
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 45 days old
Ok. This is going in..
     * #73620: [PROPOSED] Policy example about INSTALL is wrong
       Package: debian-policy; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Yves Arrouye
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years and 43 days old.
This has already been answered by more recent changes in policy.


 pediddel: A car with only one working headlight. "Sniglets", Rich
 Hall & Friends
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <>
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