Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> retitle 146477 false positive on /usr/doc symlink due to use of Perl
Bug#146477: lintian: false positive on /usr/doc symlink
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 149700 output-of-updaterc.d-not-redirected-to-dev-null is moot
Bug#149700: lintian: erroneous lintian error with no justification in Policy
Changed Bug title.

> tag 149700 moreinfo
Bug#149700: output-of-updaterc.d-not-redirected-to-dev-null is moot
Tags added: moreinfo

> clone 149700 -1
Bug#149700: output-of-updaterc.d-not-redirected-to-dev-null is moot
Bug 149700 cloned as bug 164471.

> retitle -1 should update-rc.d output anything by default, thus making 
> postinsts have to redirect it to null? or something.
Bug#164471: output-of-updaterc.d-not-redirected-to-dev-null is moot
Changed Bug title.

> reassign -1 sysvinit,debian-policy
Bug#164471: should update-rc.d output anything by default, thus making 
postinsts have to redirect it to null? or something.
Bug reassigned from package `lintian' to `sysvinit,debian-policy'.

> retitle 161820 warns about killall even when it's not actually executed
Bug#161820: lintian: Lintian detect word "killall" in wrong context 
Changed Bug title.

> --
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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