>>"Brian" == Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Brian> Once it becomes official policy, then I can get them to make the
 Brian> necessary changes.  And once the webservers begin to change over,
 Brian> then I can get the packages to change.

        Perhaps things have changed in the last 3 years, and they
 shall understand that post the /usr/doc issue policy has become more

 Brian> <webroot>/cgi-bin should default to "~www-data/cgi-bin".
 Brian> However, existing implementations should not be automatically
 Brian> changed so as not to break anything.  Once all packages follow
 Brian> the new policy, then they can do semi-automatic changes to the
 Brian> /cgi-bin setting.

        I suppose you mean <webroot>/cgi-lib should default to
 "~www-data/cgi-bin". I am with you so far. The only thing that has
 changed so far is that the public interface may be changed to
 <webroot>/cgi-lib, but nothing changes behind the scenes, and there
 is no reduction in name space pollution.

 Brian> The reason no webserver must do a behind-the-scenes changes is
 Brian> that the webmasters of some existing implementations will have
 Brian> started inserting CGIs in the existing place and we should be
 Brian> careful not to break that.

        Quite so. Local cgi-scripts should _always_ be accessible
 under <webroot>/cgi-lib.

 Brian> Once done, installed scripts will be available via both
 Brian> "/cgi-bin/script" and "/cgi-lib/script".  The packages then
 Brian> change all of their webspace references to be
 Brian> "/cgi-lib/script".  However, both before they make that change
 Brian> and after it is done, there is no interruption of service.

        Yes. But the scripts still live in ~www-data/cgi-bin, right?
 If not, I missed when you are going to have packages move the scripts

 Brian> Once all the packages have changed over, then webmasters can
 Brian> start using the "/cgi-bin/" alias for what it was intended:
 Brian> local CGI programs.

        I see two problems. The name space pollution has not been
 reduced -- since all scripts live in the same dir on disk; my
 cgi-file could be overwritten by a debian package. All we have done
 is created two names for the same underlying directory; but not given
 the sysadmin a private place to keep his files that is safe. 

        Hmm. I forgot what the pther problem I thought I had with this.

 Brian> If you can see a problem with this, please let me know.  It's
 Brian> been presented before and everybody seemed happy with it.

        Perhaps I am being dense, in which case, please point out my
 fallacy to me.

 Date: 28 Feb 90 02:03:37 GMT From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal
 Schwartz) $_ = <<END; s/../pack('C',hex($&))/ge; print;
 4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c206861636b65722c END
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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