
Some time ago I posted my early draft of an apache/webapp proposal.
I have now posted it again on the apache list. Because of the lack
of complaints there (yes I think it might need one or two) I post
it here too (before I go to debian-devel and get flamed^M..discussed).

The url is:


Observe that this is an early draft and that it was written
sometime in may (I thought, it was actually Dec 2001) so it
does not say anything about apache2. This will change if someone
knows issues that will occur because of that.

The intention is to clean up how web-applications that depend
on apache should be configured so they can be used easier within
virtual domains and over all easier to configure (at least on
the apache part).

Suggestions are very welcome. And yes before we start that discussion.
This is needed because sometimes this kind of things are really 
a mess.


// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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