reassign 159744 debian-policy

Folks, please get a consensus and stop this stupid reassigning and
closing/reopening. The bug was cloned and one of the clones is
assigned to dpkg-dev already, so reassigning this one does not
make sense at all.

Policy still documents a relation that is not ready for use yet and
has never been announced as such by the people implementing it (ie
the dpkg developers).

If you decide that you want people to use a half implemented feature
that might change behaviour again, feel free to close this bugreport
and forget about it. I'll happily reassign bugreports about people
running into problems with Enhances back to debian-policy later in
that case.

If you decide to remove references to Enhances from debian-policy,
great. It means people won't be tempted to use something that isn't
quite ready for general use yet.

But at least make a decision and stick with it instead of this
silly reassigning/opening/closing.


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