Manoj> and you are the one who came up with the pie in the Manoj> sky ``when there are no problems''.
Manoj> Since you manage to forget context from message to message, I Manoj> guess it makes a weird kind of sense that now you attribute Manoj> statements like the above to your opponents. No, Manoj, it's you who missed the context here. He said "...when there are no problems." You said "That will never happen, therefore we should stop trying". He said "That doesn't follow". IOW, your statement had the form of a logical implication, and he questioned (quite rightly) whether that relation between the logical parts actually took place. There'll always be wars and war crimes, does that mean we should stop trying to put in place laws forbidding them? -- Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A. GPG: 433BA087 9C0F 194F 203A 63F7 B1B8 6E5A 8CA3 27DB 433B A087 EngSoc adopts market economy: cheap is wasteful, efficient is expensive. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]