>>"Steve" == Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Steve> I don't. However, we already have cases of specific developers being,
 Steve> shall we say, "difficult". Not sloppy, but having very strong opinions
 Steve> about how a particular thing should be done, despite a large number of
 Steve> other experienced developers disagreeing.

 Steve> What is the purpose of Debian Policy?

        It certainly is not a stick to beat  "difficult" developers on
 the head with.

 Steve> I always thought it was a way to decide/document choices, when
 Steve> more than one choice was reasonable, and when that choice
 Steve> affected other developers and our users. This subject falls
 Steve> into that definition, in my opinion.

        But that ought not to translate into ``every possible source
 of contention between developers is writ in stone in a static
 document, precluding any case by case mitigating factors, and not
 requiring common sense and human judgment".

        In my opinion, it is going to be vcry hard to come up with a
 criteria that defines / and /usrness, one which can be predectively
 used for the future, and one that takes into account the shifting
 reality of real world hardware, and real world usage.

        Human judgment. There still is a need for it, and this, I
 think, is one such case -- this is why robots have not yet taken over
 the world (that,, and, of course, the 3 laws of robotics).

 Date: 20 Mar 90 01:21:37 GMT From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal
 Schwartz) $_=',Pr0e=kRcza0hb 5lOr+e"PE :rBe}hRtho]nhaj
 nt.s[u=J@';s/../unshift(a,$&)/eg;chop(@a);[EMAIL PROTECTED];
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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