>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:
>> On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 03:46:17PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote: >> > Apropos to that, Policy proper contains elements that ought >> > not to be in there, but remain as vestigial documentation of dpkg >> > (which is how policy started). Policy is going to be cleaned up and, >> > and perhaps rewritten (probably in DocBook format) post woody (I like >> > the layout of the sections in the FHS 2.2 document); and made into a >> > more coherent, leaner version, as befits a standard document. Some of >> > the examples need to be pruned from the policy proper; so a look into >> > policy would be appreciated. Anthony> What exactly is the.. raison d'etre of this new policy to be, Anthony> then? What exactly is it that we do in Debian? For the most part, we do not generate code, except for glue -- we are integrators. We make the system work together. The value added by Debian is the assurance that someone has tried to make things work together, figured out dependencies, and ensure that different package do not trample over each others toes, and packages can work together. Even more than just not break other packages, we allow synergies to develop between packages, and policy is essential for this: packages follow policy, and can expect, and depend on, other packages to also be policy conforming. Knowledge of this behaviour allows for enhanced cooperation between packages. Debian policy should be the minimalistic set of rules that packages follow, and expect other packages to foolow too, in order to have the system be greater than the sum of the parts. This is what allows packages to dump HTML file in a location on the file system and expect it to show up on the web server. This is what allows us to have a menu system, automated completions in bash, auto-recompilation of elisp packages, and a plethora of other synergies that elevates Debian above all other Linux (_NOT_ just GNU/Linux) distributions. Policy, thus, steps in where there are a number of equally technically viable options, and one needs be chosen to assure compatibility, or to achieve a degree of consistency required for management or other front-end tools. Location of configuration files, the web root, games, etc, are (mostly?) covered by other standards (like the FHS and LSB), and ratified by policy, with exceptions to the standards noted (/usr/doc/package syml;inks at the time of releasing woody is an example). Yes, sometimes Debian is different form the standards, and often we have a good reason for doing so. With the growing number of maintainers, and packages, it is essential that the rules that package must adhere to in order for the system to function seamlessly be accessible, obvious, and not drowned in style guide pontifications. The packaging system is a coner stone of the distribution, Policy encodes the "standard" interfaces to this system that the packaging system _must_ provide -- the packaging system may offer added facilities, and an expanded, backwards compatible interface, compared to what is documented in policy. However, policy is still no substitute for reading the actual documentation involved. (Wichert: under this definition, inclusion of enhances: in polcy was wrong) Anthony> Personally, I can't see the need for a "standards" document Anthony> for Debian -- yes, POSIX, the FHS etc are useful, but Anthony> they're already standards; and documentation on how to use Anthony> dpkg and debhelper and debconf etc is needed, but that tends Anthony> to change much more regularly than, say, ANSI C or POSIX Anthony> does, so doesn't really seem all that appropriate for a Anthony> "standards" process. Policy is not dpkg documentation. Indeed, dpkg authors have started writing the canonical documentation on how to use the packaging tools, and there is no need to make that policy, anymore than gcc.info needs be policy. >> > My vision of policy is like that it is analogous to, say, the >> > C standard, and not a DPKG for dummies or teach yourself packaging in 24 >> > hours kind of document. It would be nice if the "Debian Best >> > Packaging Practices" document plays a complementary role and picks up >> > the slack. It would perhaps make policy more digestible. Anthony> Advice like, say ``4.1. Version numbers based on dates'' or No, we _should_ standardize on some format for this, and this may be used by tools to flag bleeding edge packages just from the vbersion format. Perhaps we cna then institute a practice that date based version nubm,ers mean that packges do not automatically advance to testing, but require a signed message from the maintainer to some location in Debian to have the package advance. Consistency is not merely for consistencies sake. Consistency also allows for automated tools to take advantage the fact that packages in Debian conform to policy. Anthony> ``5.7.1. Notes about writing descriptions'' or Apart from the minimal parsing requirement, and an assurance that a certain description format shall be correctly parsed by the packaging tools, the only rationale for includingt this in policy is to allow use fron ends to present the information in a pleasing, configurable fashion to the end user. Due to the burgeoning number of packages in Debian, package selection, and management, is perhaps the most daunting task facing users, and the situation is unlikely to ameliorate. Any help we can offer the front end tools by enforcing some consistency in the descriptions is likely to help. Anthony> ``12.4. Editors and pagers'' are good advice on how to make Anthony> sure what your packaging is high quality, but much of it Anthony> doesn't seem incredibly appropriate for something written to Anthony> be like the "C standard". It was an analogy. Editors and pagers policy ensre that users can maintain their usual preferences, while allowing programs to invoke the editor or pageer of the _users_ choice. This functionality is central to what we do in Debian: we make the system an efficient, cooperating, working whole, where things come into play together, as seamlessly as we can make it do so. Anthony> For that matter, "style guides" tends to be a lot more Anthony> useful than "standards", and referred to by a greater Anthony> proportion of the people trying to write in, eg, C. If I almost never refer to style guides any more. I constantly refer to the standards themselves. Style guides were useful for a very short interval when I was a novice; since then, I probably have spent more time writing internal style guides than I have reading them And it is not as if we are not going to have style guides: what else do you think Raphael is proposing? Anthony> "policy" is only going to be referred to be a small Anthony> proportion of developers, is it really worth maintaining? Policy is required to be followed by packages in order to have the system function as a whole. People not interested in that should perhaps think or pursuing other hobbies? Anthony> To sum up: there're two things that bother me about Anthony> this. One is that I don't really see the point of a "Debian Anthony> standards" document. I can't help you there. I do know that a lack of well defined rules spells disaster for any integration effort. Anthony> It might be fun to be chair of a standards committee, but I Anthony> don't see how the content of it is going to actually benefit Anthony> anyone. I rartely do things for the pleasure of the exercise of power. Indeed, I have tried to set up the policy groiup with as little centralized control of power, even though some DPL's have offered me the role of policy czar. Secondly, a standards document does not mean legalese. Thirdly, if you do not understand the value of standards (I do not think this is the case, but you did actually say that), then there is no point in policy at all, is there? Anthony> The more important thing that worries me though is that this Anthony> might be done in a way similar to how the packaging manual Anthony> was "merged", trimming out a whole bunch of useful Anthony> information on the assumption that it'll get rewritten into Anthony> a new document, that never eventuates. Take that up with the dpkg maintainers. We have included the packaging manual as an informative appendix when it became clear that the new document was taking more time than was initially anticipated. Anthony> Losing all the non-prescriptive information from Anthony> debian-policy would be rather horrific. Indeed, I see the new policy document to have more non-normative information, in the form of rationale and examples, but presented in a fashion that it could be elided as desired. Anthony> Considering the packaging manual doesn't exist anymore, I Anthony> don't see how anyone could make that complaint. Refer to Appendices B, C,D,E, F,and G of the policy. manoj -- When I woke up this morning, my girlfriend asked if I had slept well. I said, "No, I made a few mistakes." Steven Wright Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/> 1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05 CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B 924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]