Package: debian-policy
Severity: minor

There are a few inconsistencies regarding package names between
sections 2.3.1, 3.2.1 and D.2.1; it would be nice if the definition of
valid package names were in just one place and the others refer to it:

2.3.1. The package name

     Package names must consist of lower case letters (`a-z'), digits
     (`0-9'), plus (`+') and minus (`-') signs, and periods (`.').  They
     must be at least two characters long and must contain at least one

3.2.1. `Package'

     The name of the binary package.  Package names consist of the
     alphanumerics and `+' `-' `.'  (plus, minus and full stop).

     They must be at least two characters long and must start with an
     alphanumeric character and not be all digits.  The use of lowercase
     package names is strongly recommended unless the package you're
     building (or referring to, in other fields) is already using

D.2.1. `Package'

     The name of the binary package.  Package names consist of the
     alphanumerics and `+' `-' `.'  (plus, minus and full stop).  [1]

     They must be at least two characters and must start with an
     alphanumeric.  In current versions of dpkg they are sort of
     case-sensitive[2]; use lowercase package names unless the package
     you're building (or referring to, in other fields) is already using

[1]  The characters `@' `:' `=' `%' `_' (at, colon, equals, percent and
     underscore) used to be legal and are still accepted when found in a
     package file, but may not be used in new packages 

[2]  This is a bug. 

    .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+''
 Juan Cespedes     /       \       /       \      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'

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