Jarno Elonen, on 2002-01-17, 09:55, you wrote:
> It's that they grow /usr/bin quite a lot faster than any "conventional" unix 
> tools and make it very hard to have multiple versions of the desktop on a 
> same computer. Unlike libc5/libc6 for example, KDE for example consist of 

That is not correct. The distribution (Debian for now) only contains one
version of The Software. If you want to try out another version and even
yet a completely odd version you would install it into /usr/local or /opt
and look after symlinks for yourself. There are tools like stow that ease
this task. While transition from potato to woody some time ago I had
two version (3.3.6 and 4.0) of Xfree86 installed and running in exactly
that way. So where's the problem?

> I don't have first hand experince on this; some people on the kde-list 
> mentioned at least Suse and RH if I remember correctly.

Don't beat me but SuSE's file hierarchy is nothing but a big mess. Especially
for loving loving Debian ;-)


Joerg "joergland" Wendland
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