On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 11:05:38PM +0900, Yasuhiro Take wrote:
> Please tell me your idea to solve the problem that two types of fonts.scale
> file are needed for one TrueType font: one for freetype backend and the other
> for xtt backend.

Yikes, I was unaware of this.

You mean the two backends use the same name for two different file
formats?  Need I point out how dumb that is?

Anyway, please post examples of each style of font.scale.

I imagine the ones for the freetype backend are in the traditional

a010013l.pfb -urw-urw gothic l-book-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
a010015l.pfb -urw-urw gothic l-demibold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

> If the user choses freetype for the backend, all fonts.scale files for
> installed TrueType fonts must be ones for freetype backend. 
> If the user changes the backend to xtt, all fonts.scale files must be
> replaced with ones for xtt backend.

How gross.  Whoever decided that xtt should use the same filename for a
different format needs a large piece of lumber driven broadside into his

Anyway, the idea that springs to mind is perhaps to have two files
generated by update-fonts-scale:

fonts.scale.xc          (for "X Consortium", the traditional format)
fonts.scale.xtt         (for "X-TrueType")

And then have fonts.scale in each directory symlink to one of those
files.  I'm still thinking about how the decision about which one to
symlink to should be made.  Maybe a debconf template.

Alternatively, Debian could modify its xtt implementations to use
"fonts.scale.xtt" directly.

G. Branden Robinson                |       The only way to get rid of a
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       temptation is to yield to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       -- Oscar Wilde
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