Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 02:00:29AM -0500 wrote:
> * David Kimdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010910 01:38]:
> > This patch basically says that packages should support
> > cross-compilation.  Many packages can already be cross compiled so
> Perhaps to the base package, but for all Optional packages to be given
> this burden is pretty non-trival in some packages.
I agree, and for some packages it probably makes no sense (games?).

> I think wishlist bugs against the packages that people are worried about
> in optional is ok, but to make it policy against all packages as a
> 'wishlist' bug-like-statement isn't cool.

Are you suggesting to change the wording, or drop the patch?  As it stands
can't cross-compile bugs can probably be already severity wishlist, but
they can also be completely ignored.  I'd like to have some sort of guiding
force to add legitimacy to 'can't cross compile' bugs.  IMHO it is an
important direction to be going and will help Debian stay technically


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