Dear Friend,
Our Hits Against Hunger site was so successful we are continuing it as Help the Hungry will be the largest grassroots effort ever to end hunger in America.
Our organization is completely non-profit, and we will continue to give $1 for every hit on the site daily- up to a total of $1 million.
Please post the following announcement to help spread the word.
Alan Shawn Feinstein
Fight Hunger in America!
Would you like to be known as a leader in what is being called the greatest national effort to relieve hunger of all time?...
Rhode Island philanthropist, Alan Shawn Feinstein, is donating $1.00 to fight hunger- up to a total of $1 million- for every person who clicks on his web site (Only one click per person per day).
The total number of hits (donations) will be announced in January and Mr. Feinstein's money will be distributed among anti-hunger agencies throughout the country. Last year, Mr Feinstein donated distributed $1 million to 1475 participating agencies which they used to raise many more millions by telling their donors that the more of a donation they made, the more Feinstein money their agency would get.
But many thousands of anti-hunger agencies, churches, and temples do not know about this opportunity yet. They would love to share in it if they knew about it- and they can. This is where you come in. Please visit, click to donate $1.00, and learn how you can become a leader in the largest grassroots effort ever to end hunger in America.
I thank you for caring.
Alan Shwan Feinstein

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