>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Santiago> On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Steve Greenland wrote:

 >> No, we change practice first, then policy.

 Santiago> Are you sure? Hmm, perhaps we should have waited for all packages
 Santiago> moving to /usr/share/doc before making it policy ;-)

        And that is why we now change the practice first, and then
 make policy.  Are you suggesting we should never learn from our
 mistakes, for the sake of tradition? 

        The current philosophy is to make policy changes backwards
 compatible, and gradual, and policy changes should never make a
 significant fraction of the packages instantaneously non-compliant.

 Santiago> By "Get policy changed first" I mean "Make a proposal, get two
 Santiago> seconds, no objections, and wait one week before it's
 Santiago> accepted".

        It shall not be accepted, since there will be objections. Get
 the file in place first. We can't change policy, and make all
 packages non-compliant, and there be o recourse to removing the bug.

        Indeed, once the symlink is in place, policy may recommend
 referring to the real file; (only recommend, mind you); and let the
 change happen as its own glacial pace,

 >> The file has to be there before policy can tell other packages to use it.

 Santiago> I disagree. After the proposal is approved I can put the
 Santiago> file there before the debian-policy.deb is updated.

        Then there is a catch-22.  Policy documents current

 Better than a thousand pointless words is one saying to the point on
 hearing which one finds peace. 100
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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