On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 05:20:31PM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> I'm packaging viewmol, a program for visualising molecules, used in
> computational chemistry.
> The question arises, what subsection should it be put into?
> A comparable program, rasmol, is already in debian, in the math subsection.
> But computational chemistry is not, strictly speaking, mathematics (it
> can be considered a sub-branch of mathematics, but you don't usually talk
> about the weight or electron affinity of a number).

So, put it in "science" section.

% grep-available -F Section -s Package science
Package: hodie

This has been discussed already, and the new section was created/allowed.

> Looking through the math section, there are other packages which aren't
> strictly maths:  some biomaths programs (genesis, busx, hmmr), some plotting
> programs (sciplot, grace, geg), some astronomical tools (seesat5, ssystem).
> I therefore wonder if it would not be more appropriate to call this
> subsection "science" rather than "math" ?

You can file a couple of wishlist bug reports against the packages and
ftp.debian.org to move them from one section to another...

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