>>"Henrique" == Henrique M Holschuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Henrique> However, I could not find anywhere in policy that states
 Henrique> that native packages cannot have a debian version field. It
 Henrique> clearly states that packages without a debian revision
 Henrique> cannot have a '-' in the upstream version field, but that's
 Henrique> not the same thing.

 Henrique> Are native packages expected to have debian version fields
 Henrique> sometimes? If not, policy should probably be clarified, and
 Henrique> the required lintian (and maybe katie) modifications
 Henrique> done...

        I feel that native packages should not have a debian revision,
 but not strongly enough or with reasons to be able to convincingly
 argue that feeling be made mandatory in policy.

        The rest of this is the rough consensus that devoloped rapidly
 on the IRC channel. and the contributers were Adam Heath, Branden
 Robinson, John Goerzen, and I.

        In a technical sense, "native package" means only that there
IS no Debian version. Additionally, if it could be at all useful
outside a Debian system, I think it shouldn't be packaged without a
Debian revision (in other words, it should not be a native
package). Indeed, there is seldom a need for a true native package.

        For large pkgs, I say have the upstream and debian maintainers
be the same, but not make it a debian native pkg.  For those cases it
is nice having debian and rest of the world updates be desynced (so you
do ont release a new version if you messed up Debian packaging); and
then one could have a diffs.gz file.

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't
 realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
 -- Calvin
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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