>  Brian> This this has now passed the first step of a policy change,
>  Brian> I'm changing the bug title and severity.  Sorry for the
>  Brian> delay...  I hadn't realized what I had to do.
>         The one problem I see with this proposal is that it does not
>  put into place any transition strategy for either web servers, and
>  packages that ptocide cgi-bin scripts.

That's a good point.  I'm not how urgent it is, though, since packages
are generally not inter-dependant.

Until a package got fixed, it would still try to use the "cgi-bin"
directory, which would be correct because that is where it was storing
it's binaries.  When the package changed and started using "cgi-lib",
then it would be storing its scripts there, too.

The difficulty is if PackageA is referencing a URL ".../cgi-bin/progB.cgi"
that is provide by PackageB.  If either of these update without the
other, then they would break.

I guess the first question is: how many of the latter case is there?

>         The best path may be to get the http server packages to add in
>  the new script directory as an alias, and then put the change in
>  policy as a recommendation, and, later, when most packages have had a
>  chance to change, we can put into policy the current working.

Yes.  None of the "work" packages could make this change until the
web server packages were updated.

>         We need some one to take the lead on getting this conversion
>  process underway; perhaps the sponsor of this proposal can do that?

That would be me.  <smile>

                                  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

Seize the moment!  Live now.  Make "now" always the most important time. -- JLP

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