On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 10:58:36PM -0800, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> Since when does intention have anything to do with breaking the law?
> Negligence is also a crime.

Categorically, no.  There is such a thing as "criminal negligence" but it
exists within specific legal contexts, typically those associatied with
guardianship (health or day care workers, parents, etc.)

Failure to zealously prosecute one's every possible avenue of recourse in
enforcing one's own copyright is not an offense under U.S. law, nor, as far
as I know, anywhere else.

> The FSF is violating the GPL when they make binaries such as /bin/ls
> downloadable without the downloading of the GPL.

This is impossible for FSF-copyrighted software.  A copyright holder cannot
violate the license on his own work.

> Negligence is no excuse.

Ignorance of the law is not either.  What's yours?

G. Branden Robinson             |   Experience should teach us to be most on
Debian GNU/Linux                |   our guard to protect liberty when the
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   government's purposes are beneficent.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |   -- Louis Brandeis

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