Arthur Korn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Package: debian-policy

> Addition to section "4.8 Log files":

> ----------
> A better scheme is to use logrotate, a GPL'd program developed
> by Red Hat, which centralizes log management. It has both a
> configuration file (/etc/logrotate.conf) and a directory where
> packages can drop logrotation info (/etc/logrotate.d).
> +
> +In config-file state, the /etc/logrotate.d/<pkgname> file should
> +be suffixed with ".disabled" (this is required if other
> + packages use the same logfile).
> ---------

> Have a look at Bug#77314 for an example of the breakage that not
> doing so can cause.

This looks like a rather ugly solution.

Why not add new a directive to the logrotate.d files that checks for the
existence of files so that we can do something similar to the init.d scripts,
or even better, a directive that actually queries the status of a package.
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