>>"ferret" == ferret  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 ferret> I can also see the want for a neutral method for determining
 ferret> the state of a particular developer's skill in a given area
 ferret> relative to the skill distribution across the set of all
 ferret> developers ordered by skill.  I think there exists an
 ferret> adjective which would cut the preceeding sentence in half,
 ferret> but I cannot recall it. 

        Fine. Come up with an objective testing process which shall
 determine the developers abilities in the areas tested. This should
 not merely be multiple choice questions, but essay questions as
 well. You also need to come with a measure of fairness, and
 consistency, of each test so conducted, as well as statistical
 analysis of the performance of candidates. You need to come up with
 several hundred tests, of course. 

        You then need to set up a process to evaluate the performance
 of people on these tests, and be able to accurately corelate
 performance of different candidates taking different tests on
 different dates.

        You also need to set up the environment in which these tests
 are taken, and ensure that there is no, umm, cheating going on while
 these tests are being conducted. 

        When you have this infrastructure in place, I'd be willing to
 consider this as a policy proposal (after giving the tests, whirl, of

 Just a few of the perfect excuses for having some strawberry
 shortcake. Pick one.  It's less calories than two pieces of
 strawberry shortcake. It's cheaper than going to France. It
 neutralizes the brownies I had yesterday. Life is short. It's
 somebody's birthday.  I don't want them to celebrate alone. It
 matches my eyes. Whoever said, "Let them eat cake." must have been
 talking to me. To punish myself for eating dessert
 yesterday. Compensation for all the time I spend in the shower not
 eating. Strawberry shortcake is evil.  I must help rid the world of
 it. I'm getting weak from eating all that healthy stuff. It's the
 second anniversary of the night I ate plain broccoli.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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