On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Chris Waters wrote:

> Then each affected package could have a file in /etc/nss-restart along
> the lines of:

>   set $(runlevel)  # $2 is now current runlevel
>   name=service
>   rcfile=/etc/rc$2.d/S??$name

>   test -f $rcfile && $rcfile restart

> Simple, cleaner, more elegant, more obvious, less confusing.

And completely incompatible with file-rc, which doesn't have
/etc/rc?.d directories but only one file named /etc/runlevel.conf.
Please note, that accessing these "links" should only be done via
wrapper scripts (currently only /etc/init.d/rc, /etc/init.d/rcS and
/usr/sbin/update-rc.d, we haven't a script to find out whether a
daemon is running yet, but we should introduce one and fixate this in
the policy).

> Refinements, comments, and criticisms are welcome, but I think this
> is a far superior approach.

IMHO libc should handle its various incompatibilies itself, because
its a problem in libc, not in the daemon packages.



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