On 04-Oct-00, 14:27 (CDT), Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote: 
> So I wonder if changing it to something more like:
>       'important': things that will be on *every* system, except *very*
>               specialised ones
>       'standard': everything that might reasonably appear in an "off the
>               shelf" install
>       'optional': everything else that doesn't conflict with anything above
>       'extra': anything rare, or conflicting with optional or higher packages

If we're going to mess with priorities, this would be the time to
introduce the new priority between standard and optional:

preferred: The Debian preferred implementation of a common service that
has multiple implementations (e.g. webservers, SMTP, mp3 players, etc.)

(Yes, I know it's opening a hornets nest. But "optional" is just too dang
big, and we could just pick one, admit that it's arbitrary, and go on.)

Someone (IanJ?) had a more detailed proposal for this a while ago, I'll
see if I can dig it out.


Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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